Lucian & Carmen Bordea

Both Lucian and Carmen were raised in orthodox families, and lived in this religion for the first part of their lives, and until the first years of their marriage.

Lucian’s older brother started going to church, and after a while he got baptized. Lucian and Carmen were invited to this event and the Gospel was shared that day. That was their first time in an Evangelical Church. Both of them got saved that day after hearing the good news. This happened in 2001. God had changed their lives miraculously.

In 2003 Lucian was voted as deacon in their local church, Hope Baptist. He served as a deacon until 2010. During this whole time he was feeling God calling him into ministry full-time. This led him to do an Open Air Evangelism event in the neighboring town Florica. People were open to the Gospel, and after two years of meeting as a house church, they were blessed with a property and a church building.

Later on, attending a funeral in Florica, Lucian was invited to share the gospel in a different town, the town of Valea Argovei. After sharing the gospel, and seeing the open door for it, the bases of a new church plant were built. It also started as a house church and just recently they started meeting in their brand new church building.

Lucian and Carmen are blessed with seven children, and they are involved as a family in these two locations.